It can be unclear which packages to install to support the Broadcom wifi chip on MacBook (4322). Below are explanations of the driver options:
1) bcmwl-kernel-source – contains the proprietary Broadcom STA (Station) hybrid driver. It contains the compiled binary from Broadcom along with patches from Ubuntu to support updated kernels. No other package is required. Also referred to on the internet as the “wl” driver. This gives best network performance.
2) firmware-b43-installer – installs the firmware files that enable the open-source b43 kernel driver to work. Depends on the b43-fwcutter which extracts the required firmware. Installs reliably but gives poor network performance – inconsistent pings and many TCP retransmits.
3) broadcom-sta-dkms – contains the compiled binary from Broadcom and code to build the kernel module (“wl” driver) using DKMS.
4) broadcom-sta-source – contain the compiled binary from Broadcom and code for to build the kernel module (“wl” driver) using module-assistant. Depends on broadcom-sta-common. Did not work for me.