Weston is the reference compositor for Wayland, the replacement to X11 desktop. In default layout Weston is not a user friendly desktop for those used to a traditional PC desktop. Follow the steps below to make it feel more familiar:
apt install weston apt install xwayland apt install wlogout
[core] xwayland=true [shell] background-image=/home/user/Pictures/Wallpapers/Wallpaper.jpg background-color=0xff002244 background-type=scale-crop panel-position=bottom panel-color=0xcc111111 clock-format=minutes locking=true lockscreen-icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/actions/lock.png #lockscreen=/usr/share/backgrounds/gnome/Garden.jpg #animation=zoom #startup-animation=fade [launcher] path=/usr/bin/wlogout #path=/usr/bin/killall weston icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/24x24/actions/system-log-out.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/pcmanfm menu://applications icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/24x24/places/gnome-colors.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/mousepad ~/.config/weston.ini icon= /usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/24x24/places/desktop-settings.png [launcher] path=/usr/local/bin/sudow /usr/bin/synaptic icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/24x24/apps/synaptic.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/pcmanfm icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome-human/24x24/apps/file-manager.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/lxterminal icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/apps/utilities-terminal.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/weston-terminal icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/apps/utilities-terminal.png [launcher] path=/usr/bin/firefox-esr icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/firefox-esr.png [touchpad] #constant_accel_factor = 50 #min_accel_factor = 0.16 max_accel_factor = 1.0

Create a script to run programs as root:
(*Note: don’t do this on a shared server!)
#!/bin/bash xhost si:localuser:root xterm -T "Enter password" -geometry 60x4 -e sudo -H $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 xhost -si:localuser:root
e.g. sudow /usr/bin/synaptic
Note there are still a number of difficulties that may limit Weston’s use as a daily driver:
- No taskbar to click between running applications
- Nvidia GPU’s are still difficult to get working
- Multimonitor support is essentially not available with Nvidia cards (fbdev module limitation)
- Remote desktop is essentially not available
- waypipe configuration is undocumented
- RDP not supported by MS Remote Desktop client
- X11 ssh forwarding is not a thing unless X11 is also enabled)