Category Archives: Apple

Debian 9 Stretch on Macbook Pro save Screen brightness

Symptom: Macbook resets to full brightness every reboot, instead of remembering brightness settting. Scenario: *OS: Debian 9 Stretch*System: 2011 Macbook Pro, with Nvidia 320M*Xorg.conf includes this line in the Device section:     Option         “RegistryDwords” “EnableBrightnessControl=1”*The current backlight value is recorded in:  /sys/class/backlight/apple/backlight/brightness Fix: During shutdown systemd should save the brightness setting in: /var/lib/systemd/backlight/and load it … Continue reading Debian 9 Stretch on Macbook Pro save Screen brightness

Routesplit on MacOS 10.x

The routesplit tool fails to make routes permanent on Snow Leopard and later versions of OSX.  To work around the issue edit the following file as such: /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.routes.static.plist…<key>ServiceDescription</key><string>Install static routes</string><key>WatchPaths</key><array> <string>/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration</string></array>…