Udev is problematic when trying to mount USB devices – it works first time, but fails for re-insertions (Debian 9 Stretch, running in KVM, with ntfs-3g USB drive passed through). Instead create a script to monitor:
apt-get install udisks2
#nano /usr/local/bin/myautomounter
pathtoname() { udevadm info -p /sys/”$1″ | awk -v FS== ‘/DEVNAME/#39;
stdbuf -oL — udevadm monitor –udev -s block | while read -r — _ _ event devpath _; do
if [ “$event” = add ]; then
devname=$(pathtoname “$devpath”)
udisksctl mount –block-device “$devname” –no-user-interaction
Reference: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udisks#Udisks
Next, create a systemd service to run at startup:
#nano /etc/systemd/system/myautomounter.service
# Uses udevadm to monitor for drives to mount
Description=My Auto Mount
WantedBy = multi-user.target
Reload systemd configs and start the service:
systemctl reload
service myautomounter start