This article is about the following Linux packages:
- xset – the user preference command-line tool for X11, controlling screen blanking and monitor power management,
- light-locker – the package for password locking screens, where lightdm is the desktop manager.
- light-locker-settings – the GUI configuration tool for light-locker
- xscreensaver – the popular screen saver program
light-locker-settings is a python program that can be used to set the screen saver and lock features associated with light-locker, the screen locker for lightdm.
When the “Apply” button is pressed in light-locker-settings, it writes the file ~/.config/autostart/screensaver-settings.desktop
containing the xset command to set the screen blanking and dpms poweroff timeouts.
If XScreenSaver is installed it runs a daemon that regularly re-write the xset values. Hence the light-locker settings will appear to revert frequently during a session if the xscreensaver process is running. If the display setting “Power Management Enabled” is un-ticked in XscreenSaver it will disable all DPMS power settings for the monitor.
The timeout values for screen blanking (“Screen Saver”) and DPMS can be seen by running:
xset q
Note that light-locker-settings sets DPMS values for Standby, Suspend and Off the same since LCD screens are used predominately now. Separate values for Standy, Suspend and Off are a legacy of CRT monitors.
- Light Locker Setting: Blank screen after: Never
- Set the same value for:
- Light Locker Settings – Switch off display after 20 minutes
- XScreenSaver – Standby, Suspend, Off: 20 minutes
- XScreenSaver:
- Blank after: 10 minutes
- Untick “Lock Screen After”
(Unfortunately there is still a lot of screen flickering as the monitor comes back on and switches between virtual terminals tty7 & tty8.